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Refereed Publications

  • Sharma, P., Daniel, S.L., Chung, R., Grover, V. (2022) “A Motivation-Hygiene Model of Open Source Software Code Contribution and Growth Over Time: Understanding the Role of Developer Fit and Payment,” Journal of the Association for Information Systems 23(1) 165-195

  • Samuel, B., Bala, H., Daniel, S.L. Venkataraman, R. (2021) “Deconstructing the Nature of Collaboration in Organizations Open Source Software Development: The Impact of Developer and Task Characteristics” IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.

  • Daniel, S.L., Chung, R., Sharma, P. (2020) “The Impact of Anonymous Peripheral Contributions on Open Source Software Development,” AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction 12(3),146-171

  • Daniel, S.L., Janansefat, S., Diamant, I., Ren, C. (2020) “Single and Double-Loop Learning: Linking Open Source Software Developer Motivation, Contribution and Turnover Intentions.” The DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems 51(4), 68-92

  • Maruping, L., Daniel, S.L., Cataldo, M. (2019) “The Impact of Network Position on the Relationship between Value Congruence and Individual Open Collaboration Activity” Management Information Systems Quarterly 43(3), 951-976

  • Daniel, S.L., Maruping, L., Herbsleb, J., Cataldo, M. (2018) “The Impact of Ideology Fit on Companies and OSS Communities” Management Information Systems Quarterly 42(4), 1069-1096

  • Daniel, S.L., Midha, V., Bhattacharya, A., Singh, S. (2018) “Sourcing Knowledge in Open Source Software Projects: The Impacts of Participant and Project Differences on Project Success” Journal of Strategic Information Systems 27(3), 239-256

  • Daniel, S.L., Stewart, K.J. (2016) “Open source project success: Resource access, flow, and integration,” The Journal of Strategic Information Systems 25 (3), 159-176

  • Daniel, S. L., Agarwal, R., and Stewart, K.J. (2013) “The Diverse Effects of Diversity in Global, Distributed Collectives: A Study of Open Source Project Success,” Information Systems Research 24(2), 312-333

  • Chengalur-Smith, Indushobha, Sidorova, Anna, and Daniel, S.L. (2010) "Sustainability of Free/Libre Open Source Projects: A Longitudinal Study," Journal of the Association for Information Systems 11(11),657-683

  • Stewart, K.J., Darcy, D. P., and Daniel, S.L. (2006) “Opportunities and Challenges Applying Functional Data Analysis to the study of Open Source Software,” Statistical Science 21(2), 167-178

Book Chapters and Other Publications

  • Daniel, S.L., Maruping, L., Herbsleb, J., Cataldo, M. (2018) “Working with OSS Communities” London School of Economics Business Review Blog

  • Sharma, P.N, Hulland, J. and Daniel, S.L. "Examining Turnover in Open Source Software Projects Using Logistic Hierarchical Linear Modeling Approach," in I. Hammouda et. al. (Eds): Open Source Systems: Long Term Sustainability, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology (OSS 2012), v. 378, pp. 331-337, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012

Manuscripts in Review

  • Sanni, S., Rhue, L. and Daniel, S.L. “The impact of ethnic homogeneity on AirBnB host success.”

  • Chen, L., Windeler, J. and Daniel, S.L. “A Foot in Both Camps: The Impact of Multi-organizational Embeddedness on Software Developer Turnover and Career Mobility”

  • Daniel, S.L., Maruping, L. and Zhao, F. "Open Source Software Developer Firm Mobility:         Contest or Sponsored Mechanisms?"

  • Daniel, S.L., Diamant, I., Collier, B., Dabbish, L. “FLOSS Project Performance: A Study of User Cross Project Participation, Knowledge Contribution and Interactivity”

Conference Presentations and Proceedings

  • Lin, X., Chen, L., and Daniel, S.L. “Navel Gazing or the Long View?: The Influence of Firm Positioning with Respect to OSS Communities on a Developer’s Firm Embeddedness” in the proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems, Panama City, Panama 2023

  • Daniel, S.L., Zhao, F. and Maruping, L., and Luu, J. “To Assert or Defend My Role as an OSS Developer: How IT Infrastructure Access Changes the Effect of Digital Platform Behavior on Firm Mobility” in the proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems, Panama City, Panama 2023

  • Tanyel, N., Windeler, J., and Daniel, S.L. “Don’t Marginalize Me: How Organizations Facilitate Social Injustice Via Social Media” in the proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2022

  • Daniel, S.L., Sanni, S., and Rhue, L. “A Power-threat View of The Role of Neighborhood Demographics on Airbnb Review Sentiments” in the proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 2022. *AMCIS 2022 Best ERF Paper Award

  • Chen, L., Daniel, S.L., Windeler, J. “Multi-organizational Embeddedness: Impacts on Developers’ Turnover and Career Mobility” in the proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 2022.

  • Daniel, S.L., Zhao, F. and Maruping, L. “Who You Know or What You Know? A Study of        Digital Labor Platforms and OSS Developer Firm Mobility” in the proceedings of the   International Conference on Information Systems, India, 2020

  • Rhue, L. and Daniel, S.L. “Birds of a Feather Lodge Together?:Predicting Review Sentiment Using Social Categorization Theory” in the proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems, Cancun, Mexico, 2019

  • Daniel, S.L. and Stewart, K.J. “Implications of Alter Project Resources and Participant Roles for Open Source Software Project Commercial Success” in the proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, Seoul South Korea, 2017

  • Sharma, P., Chung, R., Daniel, S.L. “The Impact of Person-Organization Fit and Psychological Ownership on Turnover in Open Source Software Projects,” in the proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems, Puerto Rico. 2015

  • Daniel, S.L., Maruping, L., Cataldo, M. and Herbsleb, J. "When Cultures Clash: Participation in Open Source Communities and its Implications for Organizational Commitment," in the proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, Shanghai, China, 2011

  • Diamant, I. and Daniel, S.L. “Learning in Open-Source Software (OSS) Development: How Developer Interactions in Culturally Diverse Projects Impact the Acquisition of Collaboration- and Learning Skills” in the proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, St. Louis, Missouri, 2010

  • Sharma, P., Daniel, S.L., and Chung, R. “The Impact of Person-Organization Fit on Turnover in Open Source Software Projects” in the proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, St. Louis, Missouri, 2010

  • Darcy, D.P., Stewart, K. J. and Daniel, S.L. “Exploring Complexity in Open Source Software: Evolution Patterns, Antecedents and Outcomes.” in the proceedings with Best Paper Nomination at the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences,  Kauai, Hawaii, 2010

  • Daniel, S.L., Chung, R. “The impact of anonymous contributions on distributed groups that seek to innovate: The case of Open Source Software Projects,” Presented at the Academy of Management, Chicago, Illinois, 2009

  • Daniel, S.L., Diamant, I. “Network Effects in OSS Development: The Impact Of Users And Developers On Project Performance.” in the proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, Paris, France, 2008

  • Daniel, S.L., Agarwal, R., and Stewart, K. J. “An Absorptive Capacity Perspective of Open Source Software Development Performance,” in the proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 2006

  • Daniel, S.L., and Stewart, K. J. “A Conceptualization of the Organizational Structure that Supports Open Source Software Development,” in the proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems, August 11-15, Omaha, Nebraska, 2005

  • Daniel, S.L., “Structure, Cohesion and Open Source Software Success,” in the proceedings of the First International Conference on Open Source Software, July 11-15, Genova, Italy, 2005

  • Stewart, K. J., Darcy, D.P. and Daniel, S.L., “Divining Complexity Patterns in Open Source Software Projects using Functional Data Analysis” Presented at the First Interdisciplinary Symposium on Statistical Challenges in Electronic Commerce, May 22-23, College Park, MD, 2005

  • Stewart, K. J., Darcy, D.P. and Daniel, S.L., “Observations on Patterns of Development in Open Source Software Projects” in the proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Open Source Software Engineering, held in conjunction with the International Conference on Software Engineering, St. Louis, Missouri, May 17, 2005